Why work with us?
Workplace Mental Health Limited has over 25 years’ experience of providing Mental Health focused services, training and support to people, business and in our communities through independent and commissioned services. We are a social enterprise from MhIST (Mental Health Independent Support Team) a successful and highly regarded charity in Bolton. (www.mhist.co.uk).
We provide consultancy, training and services to businesses to give employers the skills to recognise and manage the escalating and often unspoken cause of absenteeism at work, poor mental health.
No two businesses are the same, so we provide tailored solutions that will have a lasting impact by changing the culture and developing resilience in the workplace. The responsibility for wellbeing and mental health does not naturally fit with HR or Health & safety and needs to be dealt with sensitively. By employing the services of an external agency employers can avoid difficult and confrontational situations. The anonymity of individuals working with a third party often enables those with the biggest need to engage with the process and get on the road to recovery.
All our staff are professionally trained and have experience in preventing and supporting poor mental health. We have a unique balance of highly skilled practitioners mixed with business support skills which gives added benefit to our solutions.
Our service is confidential and impartial, alleviating any conflict that could occur if an employee was allocated the task of assessing their employees’ mental health without any training or support.
Workplace Mental Health Limited is a ‘not for profit’ organisation that supports MhIST to provide independent mental health services within our communities.
Get in touch
As an employer, you have a duty of care to your employees.
Call Chris Gold on 01024 537897
For further information visit www.workmentalhealth.co.uk